How it Started......
In 2015 living on a cannabis farm in Mendocino County, through the hills of Northern California, I was introduced to what would soon become my All-Natural Face & Body Balm. We were 30 women living together for the next 3 months harvesting cannabis and trimming her flowers. The extra remains of our trim were gathered every night and poured into a large caldron of cooking Balm. Essential oils were added. And within hours the house filled with the healing sweet potent cannabinoids smell of terpenes mixed with lavender, and Ylang Ylang. I saw the magic the balm had as all 30 women gathered with large containers and Tupperware to take their portion of the balm for their skin and hair. Each night all of us women lathered ourselves in this sweet balm. Putting its moisturizing healing oils over our faces, bodies, and even twirling in our hair. I saw how the next day our skin glowed, our hair shined, and our achy fingers and harvesting arms were inflammation free and ready to work hard for us another day on the farm. With this balm we slept better, felt better, and looked better. I knew in that moment I wanted to make this available for all women.
I returned home with my new found passion and had no idea where to begin. I remember walking on the southern California beach shores with my dear girlfriend telling her about my dreams to share this potent balm with my community and other community members. She told me she, "believed I could do it", and that's when I realized I believed I could too. I started by getting a website, the social media handles, and researching nearby printers and label makers. I worked everyday, after my full time job, for at least 2 hours a day. That was my rule: 2 hours a day, No Less. Those 2 hours grew to 3, then 4, then 5, and I found myself quickly becoming Mary's Jane. The first thing I needed to do was get into a store. Back then the only stores that would sell products like mine were dispensaries. I targeted my local dispensaries and started to reach out. I told them about my amazing All Natural Face and Body Balm and started to ask for their business. And ask. And ask. And ask. Ill never forget the day that I couldn't take being stonewalled anymore; that I put on my all white (borrowed) business woman's Power Suit, drove myself to (at the time) top Southern California Dispensary and asked to speak to the Owner. The Owner, who I had called and asked to work with for months now, made me wait in the waiting room for 3 hours before he let me in to see him. I'll never forget the Cheshire smile he had seeing me walk in (in my all white business woman's power suit mind you) and told me he would love to carry my brand. The feeling of pride and excitement overwhelms me even as I reminisce and tell the story here. For the first time ever, I was in business, it was 2018.